May the Fourth be With You
*scrolling text fading into outer space*
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
This Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 10am, Wiley Roots Brewing Company will release an exclusive May the Fourth glass set and individual glasses that will be available for purchase online with pick up at the brewery, starting on Friday, May 1, 2020 at 12pm.
This glass set includes three glasses, featuring our brand new 2020 Hairy Space Creature, 2019 Space Helmet-Man, and 2018 Evil Space Station.
Each glass was designed by Grace Jensen, an incredibly talented artist out of Fort Collin, Colorado. She has been hand illustrating each glass since we started this series back in 2018. The 2019 and 2020 individual glasses are also available, but are limited. Each year we try to hold back glasses for the next year so we can do cool glass sets like this. This glass set will be the only way to buy a 2018 Evil Space Station glass. After this, they will be sold out.
There are only 50 total glass sets
All glasses are first come, first served online. That means that on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 right at 10am, these sets will be sold to the first 50 people. We suggest you download the Universe app, set up all your payment information ahead of time, and be ready to go at 10am.
If you have a glass set in your cart and 50 other people buy them before you, you will not be able to buy the glass set. This is first come, first served. Please understand this going into the release. Everyone has the same opportunity.

2020 Hairy Space Creature – 480
2019 Space Helmet-Man – 80
2018 Evil Space Station – 50
2020 Hairy Space Creature – 430 (2 per person limit)
2019 Space Helmet-Man – 30 (1 per person limit)
2018 Evil Space Station – 0 (only available as glass set)
END DATE: Friday, May 1, 2020 at 12pm
END DATE: Sunday, May 31, at 6pm
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 12pm – 7pm
Thursday: 12pm – 7pm
Friday: 12pm -7pm
Saturday: 12pm – 7pm
Sunday: 12pm – 6pm